7 Answers to the Most Frequently Asked Questions About Saucisson - Saucisson FAQ

We are sure that many people wonder many things about a product like the Saucisson. That's why we have put together a list of seven answers to the most frequently asked questions about saucisson to help you understand this delicious French cured meat!:

What is saucisson?

Saucisson is a type of cured sausage. It is prepared with ground or minced pork that is combined with other ingredients and spices. After that, the mixture is placed in a casing and allowed to mature and cure for a few weeks to several months.

Meet our saucisson pack here!

What are the different types of saucisson?

There are numerous varieties of saucisson, and each one has a special flavour, size or meat. The traditional Saucisson sec is a pure Porc dry-cured sausage typically consumed as a snack or served with bread and cheese.

Make your own pack of three here, and choose different types of saucisson!

How should saucisson be stored?

The best places to keep saucisson are a pantry or a basement because they are cool and dry. It must be kept away from dampness because that could deteriorate it. It should be refrigerated after being opened and then covered in parchment or wax paper.

Meet our provence saucisson here!

How should you prepare saucisson?

Saucissons are typically offered as an appetiser or snack. It can be added to salads or sandwiches for flavouring, or it can be sliced thinly and given with bread and cheese. Red and white wines, as well as other types, go well with it.

Is saucisson healthy?

The fat and sodium content of saucisson, like all cured meats, may be a worry for some. However, it is also a good source of protein and contains important vitamins and minerals, such as iron and zinc. As with all foods, it should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

Can saucisson be made with another type of meat than pork?

Saucisson can be made with any meat, any spices, herbs, nuts, even cheese... There's thousands of variation but the main one is the traditional saucisson made only with pork.

Everything else are local/regional variations depending on what was available in a specific area. Eg: saucisson d'Arles is a mix of pork and bull meat as it is Corida area in France, but you will rarely see that saucisson sold in other regions.
Meet our Patis saucisson and our Hot saucisson here!

Where can I buy saucisson?

You can find high-quality saucisson made with natural ingredients and an original French family recipe here at Deliss! ;) We use only traditional methods for the best flavour and texture!

In conclusion, saucisson is a delicious French cured meat that is rich in flavour and texture! You won’t regret trying our different types of saucissons! You can have a look here: Saucissons collection!

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